deadpooling là gì - Nghĩa của từ deadpooling

deadpooling có nghĩa là

A true hero. A merc who was cursed with terminal cancer he sold his body to the Weapon X proejct so that they could not only save his life but make him a hero. A project failure he was sent to a prison/asylum where he was tortured, he fell inlove with death and eventually escaped but forgot to bring his sanity


Squirrels and coconuts. You spent your whole pathetic life working to whip together this little reunion like a Martha Stewart on acid, figuring to break my spirit... and for a second, it worked... you did it... you had me ready to leap up and impale myself on the nearest circus midget. But then something happened... a synapse fired open and I had what born-agains and alcoholics like to call a 'moment of clarity'. You ever see that old cartoon with the squirrel who's trying to eat a coconut? Chuck Jones, I think... this retarded squirrel finds this coconut and thinks that he's hit the giant acorn motherload- only, he can't crack the nut. It's too hard. So he gets a jackhammer, he throws it down stairs, runs it over with a truck... nothing. Finally, he pushes this monster up a gazillion stairs all the way to the top of the Empire State Building, and heaves it. Crack. Slowly, the shell peels back... and you know what's inside? Another coconut shell. That squirrel is in cartoon hell. That squirrel is me. Every time I get a shot at saving the world, or doing right or waving the truth and justice flag instead of gutting a guy, I do it... and every time, I get the shaft for my trouble. Everytime, there's another coconut shell I gotta crack. But just like that retarded squirrel... in another month or so, the cartoon reruns, and I try again. You did mess up my head by showing me what a dirtbag I've been in my lifetime... but that doesn't change the fact that I still try to be better. I'm giving it a shot. At the end of the day, I'm winning- and I wouldn't have things any different. Except for you, Mercedes... and you only... what happened with you... that wasn't right. For that, I will always be sorry. I will always have a big fat hole in my soul. I know that doesn't make it any better... but I hope you understand: the me that is me now had to make big mistakes to make small progress. When you've lived a life like mine... the small victories are the ones that count. Just remember, when you're looking back in anger at this moment... you've got a second shot here, angel... use it. Don't end up like T-Ray and me. As for the rest of you.... ahem... I WOULDN'T APOLOGIZE TO YOU IF YOU THREATENED TO CONSIGN ME TO SPEND ALL ETERNITY SMOTHERED IN CHOCOLATE SAUCE AND TRAPPED IN A ROSEANNE BARR/STAR JONES SANDWICH! I'M GLAD YOU'RE DEAD! IF I COULD, I'D KILL YOU AGAIN! THEN I'D GO BACK IN TIME AND IMPREGNATE YOUR MOTHERS TO MAKE SURE YOU WERE BORN... AND I'D KILL YOU AGAIN! SO IF YOU WANT ME TO TURN INTO SOME SORT OF BLEEDING HEART AND WEEP OUT AN APOLOGY, YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO RIP IT OUT OF ME!!"- Deadpool

deadpooling có nghĩa là

Hi there, I see you're looking up the definition of me, That's really awesome.


DeadPool (Me) is the best hero

deadpooling có nghĩa là

Bad guy-killin' chimichanga-lovin' badass motherfucker


Wolverine wishes he was as cool as Deadpool

deadpooling có nghĩa là

Yeah, if you are looking for my definition in this dictionary, chances are that you just want to look just for shits and giggles. I don't blame you, I would like to see my own definition as well. So thank you for looking me up on UrbanDictionary.


Also, have a nice day :) ~ Deadpool

deadpooling có nghĩa là

Deadpool (Wade Winston Wilson) is a fictional character, a mercenary and anti-hero appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by artist Rob Liefeld and writer Fabian Nicieza, Deadpool first appeared in New Mutants #98 (Feb. 1991). A disfigured and mentally unstable mercenary, Deadpool originally appeared as a villain in an issue of New Mutants, and later in issues of X-Force. The character has since starred in several ongoing series, and shares titles with other characters such as Cable. Also known as the "Merc with a Mouth," Deadpool is famous for his talkative nature and his tendency to break the fourth wall, which is used by writers to humorous effect. He was portrayed by Ryan Reynolds in the 2009 film X-Men Origins: Wolverine and will appear in his own feature film set to be released on February 12, 2016.


Created by artist Rob Liefeld and writer Fabian Nicieza, Deadpool made his first appearance in the pages of New Mutants #98 published in February 1991. Rob Liefeld, a fan of the Teen Titans comics, showed his new character to then writer Fabian Nicieza. Upon seeing the costume and noting his characteristics (killer with super agility), Nicieza contacted Liefeld, saying "this is Deathstroke from Teen Titans." Nicieza gave Deadpool the real name of "Wade Wilson" as an inside-joke to being "related" to "Slade Wilson", Deathstroke. In his first appearance, Deadpool was hired by Tolliver to attack Cable and the New Mutants. After subsequently appearing in X-Force as a recurring character, Deadpool began making guest appearances in a number of different Marvel Comics titles such as The Avengers, Daredevil, and Heroes for Hire. In 1993, the character received his own miniseries, titled The Circle Chase, written by Fabian Nicieza and pencilled by Joe Madureira. It was a relative success and Deadpool starred in a second, self-titled miniseries written in 1994 by Mark Waid, pencilled by Ian Churchill, and inked by Jason Temujin Minor and Bud LaRosa. Waid later commented, "Frankly, if I'd known Deadpool was such a creep when I agreed to write the mini-series, I wouldn't have done it. Someone who hasn't paid for their crimes presents a problem for me."

deadpooling có nghĩa là

Hey, there.


The name is Pool. Deadpool.

deadpooling có nghĩa là

When all your friends/family or co workers have gone somewhere without you . Either an event or a movie ( how it originated)


Man! Dude they went without you to see deadpool ? You just got deadpooled , let me guess they also saw batman vs superman without you ? Wow deadpooled again . Thats skandless

deadpooling có nghĩa là

The act of pulling out, but getting off on the stomach. The result is a pool of your dead unborn in the belly button: a deadpool.


"Dude, are you using condoms?" "Nah, we're just deadpooling."

deadpooling có nghĩa là

Hello, I'm Deadpool. Obviously you know me but not much. So you're looking at my description here. Well the only thing that you need to know is I'm a hit with the ladies and men, I'm not discriminating and I'm a lean, mean, chimichanga chuggin' machine. I'm also a good buddy with Spider-man, can you see the resemblance, nah me too. And you may know me too from my big part in making humanity awesome. And If you can say hi to my Good'ol friend Wolvy. I haven't seen him since my game (the good one, what am I saying anything I'm in it's good) cause the studio didn't have enough budget for more than 2 X-men. Bye, Love you, thanks for watching Deadpool, you did watch it right? Go watch it.


Deadpool, Sexiest Man Alive.

deadpooling có nghĩa là

Wade Wilson, known as the "merc with a mouth", is an anti-hero in Marvel Comics , more widely known as DeadPool. In an attempt to cure his cancer, intense genetic experiments turned Wade into a walking tumor while also giving him an enhanced healing factor, which kills his cancer as fast as it grows. A fan favorite, DeadPool's abilities include being a "master" assassin, being so unpredictable that even Taskmaster can't analyze his fighting style, teleportation, increased agility, super-healing (duh), and being able to break the fourth wall.


DeadPool is a BAMF

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