console wars là gì - Nghĩa của từ console wars

console wars có nghĩa là

An epic battle, equivalent to a dick measuring, or pissing contest. It pits the next-gen consoles against eachother - in this case, the Wii, X360, and Playstation 3 - in a battle... TO THE DEATH! Fanboys on all sides shall be hurling shit at eachother, while those of us who remain in the center shall laugh. Hillarity will ensue every battle, and the casualties will mount. Pick a side, or lackthereof, but be warned: choose the ultimate loser (all sides, except the center/neutral position), and you are to be fucked with for the ages.

In the future, more "wars" of the like will surely follow.


Fanboys across the globe are creaming their pants, in anticipation of the grand Console War, of the second generation.

console wars có nghĩa là

The word 'console war' came about when a little competition broke into a petty argument caused by Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft fanboys all hurling insults at each others' consoles. The console war has caused a lot of people to fall out.
Fanboys treat the console war as if it's a real war.


An argument between three types of fanboy:

"Nintendo is for kids!"
"Yeah, well Sony copied Nintendo's Gameboy with it's PSP!"
"Yeah! Well Microsoft are the richest company ever!"

console wars có nghĩa là

A flame war with fanboys of either Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft fighting amongst each other. They are often biased to supporting their system and their system only, not knowing the advantages of the other systems.


Nintendrone: Wi1 U iz best, Fuk ur grafices, N1n73nd0 4 lyfe!!!11! Xbot: We haz online & intarnut & C0D s0 we r bezt niqqurz!!11!! PS Whore: N0 PS4 iz shiny & thus bezt!!1111!!! PC Gamer: Whatever *sits back and watches rant* Morgan Freeman: And that is the Console War in a nutshell.

console wars có nghĩa là

A pointless argument between fans of certain game consoles. Currently the battle between the XBOX 360, the Wii, and the PS3. The PSP and DS are also contenders in the console wars. This will never be resolved until Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony (and maybe Sega) all join together and make a console. But that console would probably suck.


PS3 fanboy: What's that ya' playin'?
360 fanboy: 360. Wanna play?
PS3 fanboy: Psh, no.
360 fanboy: Jeez, at least I didn't sell my house to buy the console.
Wii: Oh my god, you're both gay.We all know that the wii is the best console.
PS3 fanboy: -Toilet joke-
360 fanboy: Yeah, we all know that the graphics have to SUCK for the game to be good.
Wii fanboy: Yeah, well the 360 has nothing special about it, and the PS3's really expensive.
Neutral-Gamer: This again?
-Passes them rival consoles and baseball bats-
-Fanboys beat respective consoles with the bats, but stop arguing-
Neutral-Gamer: Can I get some sleep now?... Lousy Console War.

console wars có nghĩa là

The stupidiest war that has ever been fought... Ever. It's usually filled with stupid graphic whoring fanboys and nerds who always have to point out every detail of a console thinking that the more power it has the better it is. (Newsflash: Just cause it has more power doesn't mean it's instantly better. For example the SNES didn't need fancy graphics just to create awesome games.).


With the release of the Nintendo DS and PSP the stupidity has taken to a next level, man I should write an article called "Nintendo geeks versus Sony freaks"

(Oh yeah and freak is used as an insult, I can't believe people title themselves as 'freaks', I'll just point and laugh at them.)

console wars có nghĩa là

The seemingly neverending battle over which gaming console is supreme among all the others.

In the past, the console wars were between Nintendo and Sega, but nowadays, the three main competitors are Sony with the Playstation 2, Nintendo with the Gamecube, and Microsoft with the XBox.

It's really not that big an issue, but since some people love to argue over inane topics, the console wars rage on.


"Man, did you hear? Sony's releasing the PS3!"

"Just another contender in the console wars.

console wars có nghĩa là

the most pointless topic to talk about to another gamer. most of it consists of Nintendo fanboys vs. Sony fanboys arguing over whether the PSP or the DS are better, or any console for that matter.


Nintendo Fanboy: DS = teh roxx
Sony Fanboy: PSP > DS
Nintendo Fanboy: THE HELL U SAY BITCH!!?
Me: u guys fail. console wars suck

console wars có nghĩa là

The battle between those who bought different consoles as to which one is supreme. Usually fought between butt hurt nerds who have to justify there buy by explaining how there consoles is better.


Nerd 1: Faggot, the 360 is better we haz Halo''z¬¬!"1`2
Nerd 2: Asshole, the 360 getz red ringz and we have killzone, u fag?!
Sane Person: Lol, console wars are for nerds!

console wars có nghĩa là

A lame thing that young teenagers do it because they have no life and like to troll about which is the best and which is the worst.


Person 1: Dude, in this console wars battle PS3 is better than Xbox 360. Person 2: I don't care. Get a life.

console wars có nghĩa là

The war between consoles.
In the good old days, it was Sega Vs. Nintendo.
Now, it's Microsoft (X-Box series) Sony (Playstation series) and Nintendo.
To be honest, X-Box is a wannabe console, Nintendo's and Sony's are much better. Microsoft is a newcomer in the game bussiness. But recently, PS3 is known to be ripping of Nintendo and Microsoft by copying things like motion sensing and the X-Bow live service.


Xbots, PSTools and Nintendrones all say the console they like is the best. This starts a console wars.