Chữa đề thi ielts writing 2022

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  • Tổng hợp đề thi thật IELTS Speaking trong năm tháng 1/2022
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Written by: Xuân Phi, 28/3/2022

Supported by: Ex-BC Examiner, 29/3/2022

Question: Today people live away from their friends and family to find a job in other cities. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

(IELTS Academic – 26/3/2022)

ANSWER (8.0+): 

It is observed that nowadays people are living away from their friends and family to search for employment. This essay will explore the merits and demerits of this tendency and explain why the merits are greater.

To begin with, there are a few drawbacks to living away from loved ones to find work. Firstly, people can be vulnerable to various mental health issues. This is because they can miss being in the company of friends and family and sharing with them their developments and problems in life, as well as being comforted by them when life becomes tough. Therefore, these people can experience feelings of anxiety and depression, which may disrupt their motivation to find work. Secondly, it may be difficult for people to get immediate help when they are away from home. For instance, if they have a medical emergency, their next of kin or close friends may not be there to help them. Hence, they will have to rely on outside assistance such as medical services or close neighbours, which can be inconvenient and expensive.

However, the benefits of this practice are greater than the drawbacks. Firstly, isolating oneself from others in search of a job can allow them to endeavour to live more independently. By finding a place of their own and conducting their own research to find a job, they can learn what it means to struggle to earn their own living and maintain their own lifestyle. In the process, they are more likely to grow into self-reliant people. Secondly, individuals are less likely to be influenced by their friends and family. Since different people may have varying ideas about what kind of employment one should pursue, workers may be held back by others’ many suggestions. By living away from friends and family, they will be able to more freely forge their own career path.

In conclusion, while people can be more susceptible to mental health problems and have a lack of immediate assistance, it is more advantageous for people to live away from friends and family in looking for work, as they can become more independent in their lifestyle and be free to pursue whatever job they desire.

Word count: 363



To be vulnerable to sth

Dễ bị tổn thương bởi một điều gì đó

Mental health issues

Các vấn đề sức khỏe tâm thần
In the company of friends and family

Gần với bạn bè và gia đình

To be comforted by sth/sb

Được an ủi bởi ai đó/cái gì đó
Get immediate help

Nhận trợ giúp ngay lập tức

Medical emergency

Cấp cứu y tế
Next of kin

Họ hàng gần nhất

Outside assistance

Hỗ trợ bên ngoài
To endeavour to do sth

Cố gắng làm một việc gì đó

Conducting their own research

Thực hiện những nghiên cứu của riêng họ
Grow into self-reliant people

Trở thành những người tự lập

Varying ideas about what kind of employment

Nhiều ý tưởng khác nhau về nghề nghiệp
To be held back by sth

Bị cản trở bởi điều gì đó

More susceptible to sth

Dễ bị ảnh hưởng hơn bởi một cái gì đó

Written by: Xuân Phi, 4/4/2022

Supported by: Ex-BC Examiner, 5/4/2022

Question: In the future, there will be a higher proportion of older people than young people in many countries. Is it a positive or negative development?

(IELTS Academic – 2/4/2022)

ANSWER (8.0+): 

It is observed that the ratio of older to younger people will grow in the coming decades across most nations. This essay will explain why this is ultimately a negative development for society in the long term.

Firstly, having a greater proportion of elderly people can put a strain on the state budget. The government may have to increase its expenditure on the healthcare system since senior citizens are more prone to serious and often costly ailments such as heart disease and strokes than younger people. However, since there are other important sectors that the government has to allocate funding to such as infrastructure, education and defense, spending more to support the elderly may eventually leave little financial resources for those mentioned fields. This could adversely impact the meaningful progress being made in said fields and by extension detrimentally affect the socioeconomic development of a country.

Secondly, the growth in the number of elderly people will damage the national workforce. Since they are not as physically or mentally strong as younger people, most old people can no longer work to contribute to securing their country’s economic growth. Consequently, with an inadequate number of younger people to replace the aging population in terms of employment, a shrinking workforce can impede economic growth which in turn can halt meaningful strides towards better standards of living. This is evident in the case of blue-collar jobs, as workers who are much older cannot work as effectively as younger ones since they lack the strength to tackle hard labor. Hence, they are more likely to be laid off which will practically diminish the national workforce in this area.

In conclusion, the expanding number of older people in comparison to younger people is decidedly a negative development since it will place a massive burden on the state budget and reduce the productivity of the labor force.

Word count: 310




Tỉ lệ

In the coming decades

Trong các thập kỉ tới
To put a strain on sth

Gây lên căng thẳng cho cái gì đó

Serious and often costly ailments

Bệnh tật nghiêm trọng và gây tốn kém
Financial resources

Nguồn tài chính

Adversely impact

Tác động tiêu cực
National workforce

Lực lượng lao động quốc gia

Securing their country’s economic growth

Đảm bảo tăng trưởng kinh tế của đất nước
Impede economic growth

Cản trở tăng trưởng kinh tế

Meaningful strides

Những bước tiến có ý nghĩa
Blue-collar jobs

Việc làm lao động chân tay

Tackle hard labor

Lao động khổ sai

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