Beat a race time of là gì

Ta dùng win (in) a game/race/battle/an argument... với ý nghĩa là "thắng" trong một trò chơi, một cuộc đua, một trận chiến, một cuộc tranh luận, hay win a prize/money với nghĩa "giành được giải thưởng/tiền thưởng". 
Ta dùng beat khi muốn nói ta thắng/đánh bại được đối thủ của mình trong một trò chơi, một cuộc đua, một trận chiến, một cuộc tranh luận.

Ví dụ: 
My girlfriend usually wins when we play poker. (Bạn gái tôi thường thắng khi chúng tôi chơi bài xì phé.)
My girlfriend beat me at poker the first time we played. (Bạn gái tôi đã thắng/đánh bại tôi ở trò chơi bài xì phé khi chúng tôi chơi lần đầu.)
KHÔNG DÙNG: My girlfriend won me at poker the first time we played.

Cả 2 từ này đều là động từ bất quy tắc:
beat - beat - beaten
win - won - won

These words mean to defeat someone or do better than someone in a race, competition, election, or conflict.

Beat is the most commonly used word. It is used especially in sport and politics, but usually avoided when talking about international conflicts.

United beat City 3 - 2.

The party beat its arch-rival into third place.

She always beats me at tennis.

Defeat is mainly used in sports journalism or when talking or writing about war.

Can Ireland defeat New Zealand in this high-stakes match?

In a series of brilliant victories, Napoleon defeated all his land enemies.

Conquer means to defeat someone in a war, especially a war that took place a long time ago in which one country took control of another.

The Greeks had fought and conquered the army of Mardonius.

Vanquish is used mainly in literature to mean to defeat an enemy or opponent, especially in war.

The superhero always vanquishes his foes and saves the world.

If one country, army, etc. annihilates another, they destroy them completely so that nothing or very little is left.

Modern superpowers succeed not by annihilating their enemies but by buying them off.

In informal English, you can say that one person or team hammers or thrashes another if they beat them easily or by a large amount. The words annihilate, crush, and trounce mean the same, but are used mainly in journalism, history books, or literature.

The Colts got hammered by the Patriots.

Celtic thrashed Rangers 6 - 1.

Barcelona were totally annihilated by Paris Saint-Germain.

The Union forces wanted to crush the Confederate opposition.

He trounced his main rival, gaining an absolute majority of the vote.

When one person or team beats another to qualify for the next stage in a competition you can say that they knock out or eliminate the other person or team.

Brazil was unexpectedly knocked out in the first stage of the tournament.

If Iceland can avoid being eliminated, they will progress to the semis.

beat verb (DEFEAT)

Simon always beats me at tennis.

Holland beat Belgium (by) 3–1.

The Miami Heat beat the Pacers 95-90/by five points.

Từ điển từ đồng nghĩa: các từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa, và các ví dụ

  • beatUnited beat City 3 - 2.
  • defeatCan Ireland defeat New Zealand in this high-stakes match?
  • conquerThe Greeks had fought and conquered the army of Mardonius.
  • vanquishThe superhero always vanquishes his foes and saves the world.
  • annihilateModern superpowers succeed not by annihilating their enemies but by buying them off.
  • hammerThe Colts got hammered by the Patriots.

Xem thêm kết quả »

 beat someone to it

to do something before someone else does it:

I was just going to clean the kitchen, but you beat me to it.

Thêm các ví dụ
  • Paul beat me by three games to two .
  • With this new product, we are well situated to beat our competitors.
  • They will be a tough team to beat.
  • The Liberal Democrats may form a pact with Labour to try to beat the Conservatives in the next election.
  • She came within two seconds of beating the world record.

SMART Vocabulary: các từ liên quan và các cụm từ

beat verb (HIT)

She was beaten to death.

Từ điển từ đồng nghĩa: các từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa, và các ví dụ

  • hitShe was expelled for hitting another pupil.
  • whackShe whacked the water with her paddle.
  • bashThe swinging door bashed him in the face.
  • strikeShe had been struck on the head with a golf ball.
  • beatHe was cruel to his dog and beat it with a stick.
  • punchHe punched me in the stomach.

Xem thêm kết quả »

 beat a path through something

Thêm các ví dụ
  • The rain beat against her face as she struggled through the wind.
  • They've threatened to beat him to a jelly if he doesn't repay the money.
  • People were shocked by the advertisement which depicted a woman beating her husband.
  • His bruises lent credence to his statement that he had been beaten.
  • I felt sick when I heard about the prisoners being beaten.

SMART Vocabulary: các từ liên quan và các cụm từ

Bạn cũng có thể tìm các từ liên quan, các cụm từ và từ đồng nghĩa trong các chủ đề này:

beat verb (MIX)

SMART Vocabulary: các từ liên quan và các cụm từ

Các thành ngữ

Các cụm động từ

I'm beat - I'm going to bed.

beat noun (MUSIC)

The guitar comes in on the third beat.

beat noun (AREA)

beat noun (IN STORY)

Thêm các ví dụ
  • It's all about making sense of the story from beat to beat, figuring out if a scene adds up.
  • The series has yet to progress from its promising debut, reiterating the same plot and character beats.
  • The sequences are told sideways; the story beats aren’t as obvious as they usually are, but they do connect up with the larger story.
  • Sometimes, when they cut the movie together, it doesn't work. Because the beats of comedy are in the cutting.
  • This week in Washington, for many there is only one story, only one beat: the allegations against the president.

Thành ngữ

(Định nghĩa của beat từ Từ điển & Từ đồng nghĩa Cambridge dành cho Người học Nâng cao © Cambridge University Press)

beat | Từ điển Anh Mỹ

beat verb (DEFEAT)

[ T ] past tense beat | past participle beaten us/ˈbi·tən/ beat

In football, the Giants beat the 49ers, 17-3.

[ T ] past tense beat | past participle beaten us/ˈbi·tən/ beat

To beat something that is going to happen is to take action that will prevent it from having an effect on you:

beat verb (HIT)

[ I/T ] past tense beat | past participle beaten us/ˈbit·ən/ beat

beat verb (MIX)

[ T ] past tense beat | past participle beaten us/ˈbit·ən/ beat

beat verb (RHYTHM)

[ I/T ] past tense beat | past participle beaten us/ˈbit·ən/ beat

Các thành ngữ

Các cụm động từ

beat noun [C usually sing] (AREA)

beat noun [C usually sing] (RHYTHM)

beat adjective (TIRED)

I’m beat – I’m going to bed.

(Định nghĩa của beat từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

beat | Tiếng Anh Thương Mại

to do better than someone or something:

 beat a path to sb's door

to be eager to buy or get something from someone:

 beat sb at their own game

 if you can't beat 'em, join 'em informal (also if you can't beat them, join them)

Các cụm động từ

(Định nghĩa của beat từ Từ điển Cambridge Tiếng Anh Doanh nghiệp © Cambridge University Press)

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