Bài tập Unit 1 lớp 9 Local environment

Hướng dẫn soạn, giải bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 1: Local environment chi tiết đầy đủ các phần theo nội dung Unit 1 lớp 9 giúp học sinh làm bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 dễ dàng hơn. Tài liệu còn có từ vựng, ngữ pháp, bài tập trắc nghiệm có đáp án theo từng unit giúp học sinh học tốt môn Tiếng Anh 9.

Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 1: Local environment

Video giải Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 1: Local environment

Unit 1 : Từ vựng: Liệt kê các từ trong bài...

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Unit 1: Getting started (trang 6, 7): Listen and read (Nghe và đọc)...

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Unit 1: A closer look 1 (trang 8, 9): Write the verbs in the box under the pictures...

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Unit 1: A closer look 2 (trang 9, 10): Underline the dependent clause in each sentence below...

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Unit 1: Communication (trang 11): Nick, Mi, Duong, and Mai are planning a day out to a place of interest for...

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Unit 1: Skills 1 (trang 12): Work in pairs. One looks at Picture A, and the other looks at Picture B on page 15...

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Unit 1: Skills 2 (trang 13): Describe what you see in each picture. Do you know what places they are...

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Unit 1: Looking back (trang 14): Write some traditional handicrafts in the...

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Unit 1: Project (trang 15): What makes you proud of your area...

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Xem thêm các bài giải bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 9 chi tiết, hay khác:

Unit 2: City life

Unit 3: Teen stress and pressure

Review 1: Unit 1, 2, 3

Unit 4: Life in the past

Unit 5: Wonders of  Viet Nam

Trọn bộ câu hỏi trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 1: Local environment có đáp án. Cung cấp tài liệu tham khảo miễn phí và hữu ích dành cho các em học sinh, quý thầy cô giáo, chuẩn bị tốt cho các kì thi quan trọng sắp tới.

Bộ 50 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 1: Local environment

Mời các bạn theo dõi chi tiết tại đây:

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Unit 1: Phonetics and Speaking

Choose the words that are not stressed in the following sentences. Practise reading the sentences aloud.

Question 1: This tour takes you to the outskirts of Hue.

A. tour

B. takes

C. outskirts

D. of

Question 2: During their stay in Hanoi, most tourists insist on a trip to Van Phuc Silk Village.

A. stay

B. in

C. tourists

D. Van Phuc

Question 3: Banh chung of Tranh Khuc village is famous for its distinctive flavour.

A. Banh chung

B. Tranh Khuc

C. famous

D. its

Question 4: Cao Thon craft village in Hung Yen is among the largest incense-making villages in Viet Nam.

A. Cao Thon

B. largest

C. in

D. incense-making

Question 5: Nhat Tan peach flowers have become a brand of Hanoi.

A. peach

B. brand

C. a

D. Hanoi

Question 6: Pomelos from Phu Dien Village in Ha Noi is the most famous for its special taste.

A. pomelos

B. Phu Dien

C. famous

D. its

Question 7: For Hmong women, traditional clothing consists of an outer garment with a colorful and decorative collar.

A. for

B. Hmong

C. traditional

D. garment

Question 8: Not only domestically famous, products of the village have been in many countries around the world.

A. famous

B. products

C. village

D. the

Question 9: Last year I visited the Somerset Levels.

A. last

B. I

C. the

D. Somerset Levels

Question 10: I should practice more for the competition.

A. I

B. practice

C. for

D. competition

►► ĐÁP ÁN:

1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.C

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Unit 1: Vocabulary and Grammar

Bài 1: Choose the best answer

Question 1: He works as a/ an .................... in his uncle’s workshop.

A. attraction

B. artisan

C. embroider

Question 2: Vietnamese .................... is now available to purchase online.

A. lacquer

B. lacquers

C. lacquerware

Question 3: Those handicrafts may face the challenges of losing their ....................

A. authenticity

B. sculpture

C. craft

Question 4: How many .................... of leaves does a Hue’s conical hat have?

A. surface

B. layers

C. frames

Question 5: I know some interesting tourist ............. in the city that you would love to visit.

A. sculptures

B. attractions

C. handicrafts

Question 6: The car has been .................... in clay.

A. moulded

B. woven

C. embroidered

Question 7: The scarf embroidered with gold .................... is the most expensive one in our shop.

A. frame

B. layer

C. thread

►► ĐÁP ÁN:

1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.C

Bài 2: Choose the options that best fit the blanks

Question 1: The boys are playing games, .................... the girls are watching TV.

A. so

B. nor

C. and

Question 2: I tried my best in the final test, .................... the result was not as good as I expected.

A. but

B. so

C. for

Question 3: He lost the key, .................... he couldn’t get into the house.

A. yet

B. or

C. so

Question 4: She loves comedies, .................... her husband is interested in action films.

A. for

B. yet

C. or

Question 5: You must do well in the test, .................... you will not graduate.

A. so

B. or

C. for

Question 6: Pop music is so popular, .................... the melody is simple and memorable.

A. for

B. so

C. and

Question 7: I should practice more for the competition, .................... my health hasn’t been excellent recently.

A. and

B. so

C. but

Question 8: You can go to the movies with me, ................. you can go to the concert alone.

A. and

B. or

C. so

►► ĐÁP ÁN:

1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Unit 1: Reading

Bài 1. Read the passage, and do the tasks that follow.

Bat Trang Pottery Village

Bat Trang, a traditional porcelain and pottery village with history of seven centuries, is an interesting attraction in Ha Noi that tourists should not ignore.

Located in an area rich in clay, the village has advantage of ingredients to create fine ceramics. Moreover, lying beside the Red River, between Thang Long and Pho Hien, two ancient trade centers in the north of Viet Nam during the 15th -17th centuries. Bat Trang's ceramics were favourite products not only in the domesticmarket, but also foreign ones thanks to Japanese, Chinese and Western trading boats that passed by.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, due to restricting foreign trade policy of Trinh, Nguyen dynasties, it was difficult for pottery products in Viet Nam to be exported to foreign countries, and some famous pottery-making villages like Bat Trang, or Chu Dau (Hai Duong province) went through a hard time. Since 1986, thanks to economic reforms and development, more attention has been paid to the village and the world gets a chance to know more about Vietnamese porcelain through many high quality exported Bat Trang's ceramic products.

Bat Trang ceramics are produced for daily household use (bows, cups, plates, pots, bottles…), worshipping, or decoration purposes. Nowadays, the pottery artists bring into ceramics many innovations in production techniques, and creativity in products' features, so many new products have been made, and even daily household items may have the beauty like decoration ones.

Visiting Bat Trang, tourists can visit Bat Trang Porcelain and Pottery Market where they can directly make pottery products by themselves. Many youngsters and foreign tourists are interested in this pottery-making experience, and spend a whole day in the market making a souvenir for their families or friends.

Task 1: Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank.

►► ĐÁP ÁN:

1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C

Task 2: Read the passage again, and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

Question 1: Bat Trang pottery has been developed since the 7th century.

A. True

B. False

Question 2: Bat Trang’s pottery products were exported to foreign markets during the 18th and 19th centuries.

A. True

B. False

Question 3: Its location beside the Red River has provided an enormous source of fine clay as ingredient for pottery making.

A. True

B. False

Question 4: Many Japanese, Chinese and Western trading boats came to Pho Hien during the 15th and 17th centuries.

A. True

B. False

Question 5: Artisans in Bat Trang village have always kept the traditions without any changes.

A. True

B. False

►► ĐÁP ÁN:

1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B

Bài 2. Read the text and do the task below.

Last year I visited the Somerset Levels, a coastal plain and wetland area in Somerset, South West England. This area is home to one of Somerset’s oldest traditional crafts - willow basket making. Basket making began in the area a long time ago. At the beginning of the 19th century, more than three thousand acres of willow trees were planted commercially there because the area provided an excellent natural habitat for their cultivation. I’d seen willow baskets before I visited the Levels, but I was still amazed at the numerous products created by the basket makers there. They make lobster pots, bread trays, and even passenger baskets for hot air balloons. Although the arrival of plastics in the 1950s caused the basket making industry to decline, willow growing and basket making have continued to play a significant role in Somerset’s rural economy. Willow growers and basket makers have dealt with this challenge by finding new markets and innovative ways of using willow. They make willow charcoal for artists and bower seats for gardens. Some even weave willow coffins. Therefore, people here can still live on the craft that their great-grandparents passed down to them.

Decide T (true)/ F (false) for each statement.

Question 1: Willow basket making is the oldest traditional craft in Somerset.

A. True

B. False

Question 2: Willows can grow well in the area because of its favourable natural conditions.

A. True

B. False

Question 3: The presence of plastic products did not affect the growth of the basket making industry in the area in the 1950s.

A. True

B. False

Question 4: Basket making does not play an important role in the area now.

A. True

B. False

Question 5: Willow growers and basket makers have found new ways to promote their industry.

A. True

B. False

Question 6: Basket makers can live on their craft nowadays.

A. True

B. False

►► ĐÁP ÁN:

1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.A

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Unit 1: Writing

Choose the best option to complete the sentences.

Question 1: ................... Pelly was tired, he went to bed.

A. Because

B. Because of

Question 2: He passed the exam .................... he had a good teacher.

A. Because

B. Because of

Question 3: We stayed in .................... the rain.

A. Because

B. Because of

Question 4: He was able to go to university .................... his aunt’s help.

A. Because

B. Because of

Question 5: The price of oranges is high .................... frost damage.

A. Because

B. Because of

Question 6: I went to see the play, .................... it had good reviews.

A. Because

B. Because of

Question 7: I enjoy the course.................... the professor is a good teacher.

A. Because

B. Because of

Question 8: We all felt tired .................... the hot weather.

A. Because

B. Because of

Question 9: I left home early, .................... I had to do several errands.

A. Because

B. Because of

Question 10: .................... their interest in comets, they decided to study astronomy.

A. Because

B. Because of

►► ĐÁP ÁN:

1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.B

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