Bài tập anh văn về so sánh

Nằm trong loạt bài tập Tiếng Anh theo chuyên đề có đáp án, Thích Tiếng Anh chia sẻ “100 Bài tập trắc nghiệm so sánh (comparison) Tiếng Anh có đáp án“. Tài liệu sẽ đưa ra các bài tập ôn luyện lí thuyết về so sánh hơn, so sánh hơn nhất, so sánh ngang bằng, so sánh bội số, tài liệu phù hợp dành cho các bạn học sinh lớp 6, lớp 7 hay ôn thi THPT (Đại học) ôn lại kiến thức.

Trích từ tài liệu

Choose the best answer

1:Mary is the……….in her class

A:tall                    B: tallest                      C:taller           D: the taller

2: In Viet Nam, it is normally……………. in the South than in the North.

hot B. hotter             C. hottest                     D. hoter

3: The food is …………… than the last time I ate it.

badder B. bad                C. worse                  D. worst

4: Ho Chi Minh city is ………….. than Hanoi.

big B. bigger C. biggest                   D. biger

5: Children often learn very ……………….. things around them.

quickly B. quicker C. quickest              D. quick

6:She can not sing …………… but she can play the piano beautifully

good B. best C. goodly                 D. well

7: Jack is now …………….. than he used to be.

happy B. happier C. happiest            D. happyer

8.The tourist company was ………….. down the street than I had thought

farther B. far C. farer              D. farest

9.He tried very ……….. but still failled the exame.

hardly B. hard C. harder                  D. hardest

10.Detective books are………………… than science fiction ones.

more interesting B. interestingly C. interstinger         D. interesting

11.Lan is ………………. than  her sister.

lazy B. lazily C. lazier           D. lazilier

12.He feels ……….. than last year because his study results are …………………

happy/ good B. happier/ gooder

more happy/more good   D. happier/better

13.He is …………. at maths than at any other subjects.

better B. more good C. goodlier              D. gooder

14.Phuong can speak English ……….. than Minh.

more fluent B. fluently C. fluent            D. more fluently

15.Cinderrella danced …………… than  any other girls at the ball.

A.more graceful      B. gracefuler            C. gracefully            D. more gracefully

16.Chemistry is …………….. than physics.

easy B. easily C. easier           D. more easily

17.Rabbits run……………… than tortoises.

fast B. fastly                C. fastlier         D. faster

18.She can pronounce English words …………. than she could last term.

correctlier B . more correct C. more correctly              D. correcter

19.The country is ………….. than  the city.

quieter B . more quiet C. more quietly           D. quietlier

20.In this class , the students are talking …………… than the teacher.

loudly B. more loud C. loudlier             D. louder.

21.I can learn a subject …………… if I like it and ………… if I don’t like it.

good/ bad B. better/ worse C. better/ badlier        D. gooder/worse

She is the most …………….. girl in our class.

intelligent B. intelligentest C. tall           D. tallest

That T­shirt is the …………… we have in stock.

big B.bigger C. small       D. smallest

This hat is the ……………… of all.

expensivest B. more expensive C. cheapest         D. cheaper

Food becomes ………….. during the time of the flood.

more scarcer B. most scarce C. scarcest           D. scarce

26.Lan is the most ……………. student in my class.

hard­work B. hard­working  C. good           D. best

This book is the ………………… of all

bored B.boring C. more boring         D. most boring

She has ……….. books than I do.

A least           B. fewer            C. more few            D. fewest

He finished the test …………..of all.

rapidly B. the most rapidly C. most rapidly     D. more rapidly

Many chemicals react ……………..in acid solutions

A . more quick          B. more quickly          C. quicklier         D. as quickly more

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    Với tâm huyết giảng dạy Anh ngữ nhiều năm, đội ngũ giảng viên Fast English đã biên soạn bộ từ...

I. Lý thuyết so sánh trong tiếng anh

1. Phương pháp so sánh bằng

Đây là hình thức so sánh 2 sự vật, hiện tượng, cá thể… với nhau. Chúng ngang bằng hoặc như nhau và trái ngược nhau nếu ở dạng phủ định.

Cấu trúc:

* form:S1 + V + as + adv + as + S2.

S1 + Be + as + adj + as + S2.

* eg:

- She runs asquicklyas her brother.

- Johnisastallas Tom.

* So sánh không bằng/ kém hơn.

* form:S1 + not + be/V + as/so + adj/adv + as + S2.

S1 + be/V + less + adj/adv + than + S2.

* eg: - He isnot sogoodashis brother.

- I amlessrichthanyou.

2. Phương pháp so sánh hơn, so sánh kém

Khi thực hiện hình thức so sánh này, bạn cần ghi nhớ các loại phó từ, tính từ (ngắn, dài). Vì mỗi loại ta có cách sử dụng khác nhau, cụ thể như:

– Thêm đuôi “er” vào các tính từ, phó từ ngắn chỉ có 1 âm tiết.

– Gấp đôi phụ âm cuối với một số tính từ ngắn có nguyên âm nằm ở vị trí giữa 2 phụ âm. Như vậy, khi đọc sẽ không có sự thay đổi.

– Tính từ ngắn có một âm tiết trở xuống. Còn tính từ dài bắt đầu với 2 âm tiết.

– Cấu trúc:

* Đối với tính từ, trạng từ ngắn.

* form:adv/adj + ER + than

* eg: Mr Brown isolderthanMr Peter.

He drivesrunner thanI (do).

* Đối với tính từ, trạng từ dài.

* form:more + adv/adj + than

* eg: A car ismore expensivethana bicycle.

Ha writesmore carefully thanHai.

3. Phương pháp so sánh hơn nhất

– Khác với so sánh bằng hay so sánh hơn, kém, hình thức này áp dụng cho 3 thực thể trở lên. Ví dụ như: A cao hơn B và C hoặc A thấp hơn B và C.

– Ngoài ra còn có có nhiều cấu trúc so sánh khác như bội số, các dạng so sánh đặc biệt. Những kiểu này có độ phức tạp cao hơn.

– Cấu trúc:

* Đối với tính từ, trạng từ ngắn.

* form:the + adv/adj + EST

* eg: Ha isthe tallestin the class.

Lan runsthe fastestin the class.

* Đối với tính từ, trạng từ dài

* form:the + most + adv/adj

* eg: This isthe most difficultlesson in the book

Huong speaks Englishthe most fluentlyin my class.

II. Bài tập về so sánh

Ex1. Chọn từ hoặc cụm từ đúng trong ngoặc.

1. Of the four dresses, I like the red one (better/ best)

2. Bill is the (happier/ happiest) person we know.

3. Pat’s cat is (faster/ fastest) than Peter’s.

4. This poster is (colourfuler/ more colourful) than the one in the hall.

5. Does Fred feel (weller/ better) today than he did yesterday?

6. This vegetable soup tastes very (good/ best)

7. Jane is the (less/ least) athletic of all the women.

8. My cat is the (prettier/ prettiest) of the two.

9. This summary is (the better/ the best) of the pair.

10. The colder the weather gets (sicker/ the sicker) I feel.

Đáp án:

1 - best; 2 - happiest; 3 - faster; 4 - more colourful; 5 - better; 6 - good; 7 - least; 8 - prettier; 9 - the best; 10 - the sicker;

Ex2. Dùng hình thức đúng của tính từ/ trạng từ trong ngoặc.

1. Mary is (pretty) as her sister.

2. A new house is (expensive) than an old one.

3. His job is (important) than mine.

4. Of the four ties, I like the red one (well).

5. Nobody is (happy) than Miss Snow.

6. Today English is the (international) of languages.

7. John is much (strong) than I thought.

8. Benches are (comfortable) than arm- chairs.

9. Bill is (good) than you thought.

10. Mr Bush is the (delightful) person I have ever known.

11. Dick is the (careful) of the three workers.

12. Is the book (interesting) than the one you read last week?

13. Gold is (precious) than iron.

14. The weather today is (warm) than the weather yesterday.

15. This film is not (good) as the one we saw last week.

16. Holidays are (pleasant) than working days.

17. Which is (high) mountain in your country?

18. A house is (strong) than a dog.

19. Robert is (fat) than his brother.

20. The Pacific is (large) ocean in the world.

Đáp án:

1 - as pretty ; 2 - more expensive; 3 - more important; 4 - best; 5 - happier; 6 - most international; 7 - stronger; 8 - more comfortable; 9 - better; 10 - most delightful; 11 - most careful; 12 - more interesting; 13 - more precious; 14 - warmer; 15 - as good; 16 - more pleasant; 17 - the highest; 18 - stronger; 19 - fatter; 20 - the largest;

Ex3. Viết lại câu sau, bắt đầu bằng các từ cho sẵn.

1. Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees. Today it’s only six degrees.

=> It’s …………………………………………………………………….

2. The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train.

=>It takes………………………………………………………………….

3. We were very busy at work today. We are not as busy as that every day.

=> We………………………………………………………………………

4. Jane cooks better than her sister.

=> Jane’s sister…………………………………………………………….

5. Tom is the best football player in this team.

=> Nobody in this team…………………………………………………..

Đáp án:

1 - It is colder today than it was yesterday.

2 - It takes longer by train than by car.

3 - We were busier at work today than usual.

4 - Jane's sister doesn't cook as well as Jane.

5 - Nobody in this team plays football better than Tom.

Ex4. Hãy viết hình thức so sánh hơn và nhất của các tính từ sau:







1- cheap cheaper The cheapest 7- long ........................ ........................
2- fast ........................ ........................ 8- small ........................ ........................
3- big ........................ ........................ 9- happy ........................ ........................
4- short ........................ ........................ 10- old ........................ ........................
5- good ........................ ........................ 11- hard ........................ ........................
6- noisy ........................ ........................ 12- young ........................ ........................

Đáp án:







1- cheap cheaper The cheapest 7- long ......longer... .....longest......
2- fast ......faster... ...fastest... 8- small .....smaller....... ....smallest...
3- big ....bigger..... ...biggest.. 9- happy .....happier..... ......happiest....
4- short ....shorter...... .....shortest.... 10- old ....older..... .....oldest...
5- good ...better.. ....best.... 11- hard ........harder................ .....hardest.......
6- noisy ...noiser... ....noisest.. 12- young ......younger.... ......youngest.....

Ex5. Điền vào chỗ trống dạng so sánh đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. He is (clever) ……………………than any students in my group.

2. She can’t stay (long) …………………….than 30 minutes.

3. This film is (interesting)………………. than that one

4. Well, the place looks (clean) …………………….now.

5. The red shirt is better but it’s (expensive) ……………………. than the white one.

6. I’ll try to finish the job (quick).…………………….

7. Being a firefighter is (dangerous) ……………………. than being a builder.

8. Lan sings ( sweet ) ………………..than Hoa

9. I want to (cheap) T-shirt

10. He runs ( fast )………………….than his father

11. You need to be (careful) when driving

12. Which planet is (close) ……………………. to the Sun than the Earth?

13. Carol is (beautiful) …………………….than Mary

14. The weather this summer is even (hot) ……………………. than last summer.

15. Your accent is ( bad ) …………………..than mine.

Đáp án:

1. He is (clever) …………cleverer…………than any students in my group.

2. She can’t stay (long) …………longer………….than 30 minutes.

3. This film is (interesting)……more interesting…………. than that one

4. Well, the place looks (clean) …………cleaner………….now.

5. The red shirt is better but it’s (expensive) ………more expensive……………. than the white one.

6. I’ll try to finish the job (quick).………more quickly…………….

7. Being a firefighter is (dangerous) ……more dangerous………………. than being a builder.

8. Lan sings ( sweet ) ………more sweetly……..than Hoa

9. I want (cheap)...........cheaper........... T-shirt

10. He runs ( fast )………faster………….than his father

11. You need to be (careful) ______more careful______ when driving

12. Which planet is (close) …………closer…………. to the Sun than the Earth?

13. Carol is (beautiful) …………more beautiful………….than Mary

14. The weather this summer is even (hot) ……………hotter………. than last summer.

15. Your accent is ( bad ) ……………worse……..than mine.

Ex6. Hoàn thành các câu sau với dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ trong ngoặc:

1. Living in the city is________than living in the country(convenient).

2. Mrs.Smith is________than I thought.(young).

3. Houses in big cities are much_________than those in my hometown(tall).

4. No one in my class is________than Jim (smart).

5. The senior prom would be_________than any other proms(exciting).

6. I have_________courage than my brother(little).

7. His health condition is getting__________(bad).

8. You are_________than you think(clever).

9. This computer is much_________than mine(expensive)

10. I always dream of a__________house to live in(modern).

Đáp án:

1. Living in the city is____more convenient____than living in the country(convenient).

2. Mrs.Smith is____younger_____than I thought.(young).

3. Houses in big cities are much______taller___than those in my hometown(tall).

4. No one in my class is_____smarter____than Jim (smart).

5. The senior prom would be____more exciting_____than any other proms(exciting).

6. I have____less______courage than my brother(little).

7. His health condition is getting______worse____(bad).

8. You are_____cleverer____than you think(clever).

9. This computer is much____more expensive_____than mine(expensive)

10. I always dream of a______more moderner____house to live in(modern).

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