All of the brands that a consumer is aware of but is indifferent toward are known as the

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When does information search occur?

Occurs in response to a recognized problem that is deemed important enough to resolve.

What is the difference between internal and external information search?

Because an internal information search is much easier, less time consuming, and less expensive than an external search, internal search generally occurs first. This involves bringing relevant information from what is retained in long term memory into current memory. If no satisfactory solution can be obtained, then an external information search would follow if warranted by the nature of the problem and its importance. Information search also occurs on an ongoing basis for products and activities with which an individual is involved.

What kind of information is sought in an external search for information?

An external search for information can include: (a) the appropriate evaluative criteria for the solution of the problem, (b) the existence of various alternative solutions, and (c) the performance of each alternative solution on each evaluative criterion.

How does a consumer’s awareness set influence information search?

An awareness set includes those alternative solutions (alternative brands) that the consumer is aware of. The consumer generally searches for information on a subset of the brands in the awareness set (the evoked set).

What roles do the evoked set, inert set, and inept set play in a consumer’s information search?

Those brands that a consumer is aware of (i.e., in his or her awareness set) can be classified as belonging to either an evoked, inert, or inept set. Consumers’ evoked sets (or consideration sets) include brands that they would readily consume. Brands in their inert sets are brands they are aware of but are indifferent toward and not likely to consume as long as brands in their evoked set are available. Brands in their inept sets are brands they are aware of, but dislike enough that they would not consume them.

Consumers will focus their information search on brands in their evoked sets. Marketers of brands in a target consumer’s inert set have to work hard to get the consumer to process information that might affect the inclusion of the marketer’s brand in the consumer’s evoked set. Consumers will rarely accept favorable information on brands classified as inept. The formation of these sets depends on the information each individual consumer is exposed to over time, their experiences with the produ

What is search engine optimization?

Involves techniques designed to ensure that a company’s web pages “are accessible to search engines and focused in ways that help improve the chances they will be found.” An example is Google’s Adword program, in which companies pay for “sponsored” listings for specific search terms.

What factors have to be considered in the total cost of the information search?

The total cost of a search includes direct costs such as transportation, parking, and baby sitting, and indirect costs such as time loss, fatigue, and psychological stress.

How might these factors be different for different consumers?

Individuals have different perceptions of the direct and indirect costs of search, differing values for time, and differing tolerances for the potential frustrations of information search.

44. Which demographic factors still have the most influence on U.S. adult Internet usage?

A. gender, ethnicity, age

B. age, income, education

C. age, ethnicity, gender

D. income, gender, generations

E. education, generations, gender
Newest data show these three factors to be the only major influencers remaining.

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How brands are perceived in the minds of the consumers is called?

Brand perception is the sum of a consumer's feelings, experiences, and thoughts about a product or service. It's what people believe a brand represents, rather than what a brand says it represents.

What brands mean to consumers?

What Does Brand Mean in Marketing? A brand is an intangible concept that helps people (notably consumers) recognize and identify a particular company, product, or individual.

What is a consumer's awareness set?

What is a consumer's awareness set? the products that a consumer has heard of that may solve their problem.

How do brands affect with consumers?

Brands influence consumer behavior by finding ways to fit in with consumers' “self-image”. Adverts show levels of happiness and types of lifestyles that consumers want to have — and those act as symbols of what the brand represents.

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