Acrostic poem for holistic health

Credits — My Garden Life on Google Images.

Rocket leaves boost nutrition
Oxygenation and detoxification
Critical for body functions
Keeping inflammation in control
Eliminating mineral wastes
Time to time.

Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

urrendering to the wisdom within,

eaching myself to breathe again,

ttuning to my highest good,

onnecting in my neighborhood,

nergizing ideas through giving,

SPEEDY SOLUTIONS Use short bond paper and a folder.Imagine yourself as a member of a local organization that wants to sponsor one project to help achi … eve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Follow the procedures below in making your project proposals. Use short bond paper and a folder. Content must be encoded or written legibly. Written work can be accepted provided that it is done neatly as possible.PROJECT TITLE:PROJECT STATEMENT:TARGET SDG:SLOGAN:PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND MODE OF IMPLEMENTATION:​

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it incorrect,1. Exercise most days of the week to improve circulation and boost theimmu … ne system,2. Wash your face once a day.3. The order of application is incredibly important.4. If you use toner, apply before cleansing your face,5. Using sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPE) 30 every day onyour face to protect from ultraviolet (UV) rays.6. Sun protection reduces the risk of early wrinkles, age spots, andother skin problems such as skin cancer7. One of the biggest keys to achieving a radiant glow is well-moisturized skin with a top-rated moisturizer,8. Attempting to execute your own extractions and pick at your face isalways a good idea.9. Good sleep is called beauty sleep for a reason.10. Stress can be managed with enough good sleep, meditation, music,and a positive approach toward life​

anong ginagamit sa pag naliligo sa banyo. a. asukal bakeb. sabon, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, at pang kukos sa katawanc. wala sa nabanggit​

reforestation projects and programs around Learning Task 1: Look for the words in the box and encircle them. Do this activity on your notebook. S O H … W K A E H J O O E A R B J N R I T Y U T Q R O V Z N I L S U E E Z I E A K J U C W O C R E S AS C T A A R O H I R A A V S D Q N S E R ​

Mga tanong:• Ano ang naging sakit ni Luis?• Para saan ang ininom niyang gamot?• Ano ang nangyari sa kaniya?• Ano ang mali sa ginawa ni Luis?• Ano sa p … alagay ninyo ang dapat niyang ginawa?​help

irection: Write a paragraph about the ways to prevent rodents and pests at home​

How does the philippine government address different local and national health issues and concern like Covid 19 pandemic and rekated diseasses​

name of warm up exercise1. of repetitions of minutes the exercise is performed system​

1. What is client's care? 2. Why is preparing the client important prior to performing foot spa treatment? 3. As a student, what do you think is the p … ractical application of this lesson in your life? 4. In line with pandemic that we are facing today, list down guidelines to facilitate client's safety.​

IV. Pagyamanin Tulong sino may gusto ng 25pts.​

Look at the picture and complete the paragraph.​

how to maintain dishwasher

pa help po plssssss plsss​

Karagdagang Gawain Gumawa ng isang organizer na nagpapakita ng pagkakatulad at pagkakaiba ng gamot na may reseta at gamot na walang reseta.​

PRACTICE TASK 2: LET'S BRAINSTORM 1. Go around the classroom and ask 4 of your classmates to give words that are related to mental and emotional healt … h. Write your responses on the semantic web below. 2. When your web is complete, come up with your own definition of mental and emotional health. Emotional Mental PASAGOT PO NG MAAYOS KAILANGAN KO NA NOW ​

How would you promote responsibility and unity which gives emphasis on the love of god? 2-3 sentence Kailangan ko talaga to

pa help po plssssss plsss​

After knowing the different issues and problems brought about by rapid population growth, what is your realization about those impacts? Give concrete … examples

what should i do if my mental health is a concern

Activity 5 : Simple Ways 1. How to prevent from having diseases? Enumerate at least five (10) good habits that you have practiced.Good Habits you Prac … ticed 1. 2. 3. 4. you Do It1. 2. 3. 4. 5.​

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